The Harrison County Landfill accepts both landfill disposal and recycling materials. It is run by the Harrison County Landfill Commission, which is a 28(E) Governmental Agency represented by all the government agencies in Harrison County.
E-Waste Items
RESOLUTION 08-1: Effective July 1st, 2008, the Harrison County Landfill Commission has determined to no longer accept “TVs” and “Computers”, along with some “Other Selected” electronic wastes, for final disposal in our Landfill Facility. Instead, these items will be sent to a Recycling Facility.
TVs &
Computer Monitors
(up to 25″) $10.00 each
(26” to 40”) $15.00 each
(41” & Larger) $25.00 each
Console TVs
$30.00 each
Copy Machines
(Counter-Top Size)
$10.00 each
Copy Machines
(Up-right Free Standing)
$30.00 each
Misc. E-Waste Items
(Computer-Printers-Stereo/Boom Box Radios)
$5.00 each
FREE E-Waste Items
Restricted Material
Bulk Liquids, Pesticides, Herbicides, Radioactive Materials, PCB’s, Gas Cylinders, Dead Animals, Asbestos, Contaminated Soil
Disposal Information
Solid Waste Disposal
$50.00/ton = $0.025/lb.
Minimum Gate Fee/Load
All vehicles $10.00 (400 lbs. or less)
$10.00 Extra Penalty (Min. Charge)
$15.00/ton Extra Penalty (over 450 lbs.)
“Freon” Appliances
$15.00 each
“Non-Freon” Appliances
$10.00 each
“E-Waste” Items
See E-Waste Items
Tires (Must be off rim)
$215.00/ton = $0.11/lb.
Minimum Charge
$3.00 (1 tire)
Tree Limbs, Brush, Grass
$40.00/ton = $0.02/lb.
Minimum Charge
$4.00 (200 lbs. or less)
Clean Brick, Rubble, Asphalt
Residential (NO CHARGE)
$25.00/ton – Commercial, Industrial,
Contractors, Government
Waste Oil/Batteries
Residential (NO CHARGE)
Household Hazardous Waste
(Prior notice required)
Residential (NO CHARGE)
Commercial (Pricing Quoted)
Special Wastes Set by Management
(Prior Approval Required)
(Normally $80.00/ton)
$30.00 fee for use of chain on any load (or) vehicle.
Customer assumes ALL RESPONSIBILITY for hooking up chain.
Covered Load Policy
To prevent any type of waste from blowing onto area roadways and into ditches, Harrison County adopted a policy( RESOLUTION 96-11 IN NOVEMBER 1996 ) that all loads delivered to the Landfill must be covered securely, even if waste is in bags or containers.
Trucks and trailers must also have a tailgate. The only exception to the this policy is that brush can be securely tied instead of being covered. This covered load policy conforms to the STATE OF IOWA STATUTE 321.460:
A vehicle shall not be driven or moved on any highway, by any person, unless such vehicle is so constructed or loaded or the load securely covered, as to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping, or its load covering, from dropping from the vehicle. Failure to comply with this covered load policy will result in a $10.00 fine being assessed.(NO EXCEPTIONS)
Introduction to Your EMS
What is an EMS? An EMS is a systematic framework for managing operations to help participants identify and reduce environmental risks and improve environmental performance
Why Your Landfill Has an EMS: The Harrison County Landfill Commission (HCLC) commits to finding ways to provide its stakeholders with responsible and sustainable options for solid waste management. By implementing an Environmental Management System (EMS), the HCLC commits to creating a framework to identify objectives and targets, evaluate processes, and report results as a part of continuous improvement.
6 EMS Components
Organics Waste Management
Household Hazardous Materials Collection
Water Quality Improvement
Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Recycling Services
Environmental Education.
Completed and Ongoing EMS Projects
Solar Array and New Heat Pump:
In the first year our solar array produced 35,354 kWh. Paid in part by an IDNR grant and the Dean J. King Family Foundation.
Hefty ReNew Program:
This program expanded the our plastic recycling by including #5 plastic and plastic film
We have recovered over 10 ton of this material since beginning the program.
New Recycling Containers and Sorting Machine:
Our new containers have a designated compartment for plastic bags. Located in Missouri Valley, Logan, Woodbine, & Dunlap.
Paid for in part by an IDNR grant
Website Design:
We created our website to help our customers find information and education regarding the HCLC.
Paid for in part by an IDRN grant.
Mobile Loading Dock:
Our loading dock allows us to load semi trailers with our recycling. Previously we had to haul the material in small loads. Making 175 trips a year to Omaha. We have cut the number of trips over 75%
Lithium Ion Battery Recycling Program:
Li-Ion batteries pose a fire threat at the HCLC. We purchased buckets that are placed through out the county for recycling. Sites – Country Hardware, Logan – City Hall, Missouri Valley – REC, Woodbine – Do It Best, Dunlap – City Hall, Mondamin, The landfill scale house.
To date we have collected more than 400 lbs of li-Ion batteries
Wood Waste Diversion Program:
We began diverting “clean” lumber from out landfill. The lumber can have nails, screws or small hardware. We have a grinder come on site twice a year to grind the material that is later used for beneficial use or livestock bedding.
To date we have kept 150 tons of wood waste from the landfill.